
Economics isn’t boring.

That’s the premise of this site. Now you can argue that the guy portrayed at the top of the page is boring. You can argue that your economics professor or teacher is boring. But your money, your job, and those policymakers who try to govern them are pretty important, if you ask me. Maybe even, *gasp*, interesting.

This site is all about explaining how economics and life intersect. If you subscribe, once or twice per week you’ll get an exclusive story related to personal finance that will probably be completely unlike anything you’ve read on other personal finance sites.

Think of it as Personal Finance 3.0. My 1,000 some-odd readers don’t need a lot of tips on debt reduction or the basics of asset allocation. We’re at a point in our financial lives where we’re trying to dissect how our minds work, why the economy does what it does, and what we can do to go from simply a debt-free life to an extraordinary life.

Hope you join us. Subscribe here.


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